It's Sunday afternoon and I'm sitting outside under a shady tree at our Inn. Matt is asleep - he is exhausted and congested. Me - I'm too happy and joy filled to sleep. God is so close and so good and I can feel it in my entire being. Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe when I think about how much I love Him and how awesome He is. I don't feel this way because I live a problem free and perfect life. Far from it!!! But in the quiet moments of time, when it's just the two of us - life becomes a kind of perfect. Perfect because regardless of me - he is constant and He brings life to me - real life. His joy and peace resonate deep inside of me and I can draw on His strength in any and all of life's circumstances.
Matt and I left home at noon on Friday and were at Pittsburgh airport by 1. We checked 4 bags (our limit) - 2 personal and 2 filled with supplies for the girls. My sweet friends Valerie and Janet donated clothes, shoes,bags,medical & hygiene supplies. The sweet students at Jefferson County Christian school collected so many flip flops last year, that this is the second shipment we have been able to provide - and there are still more for our next trip! And then, Mary, a precious woman I met at a church I spoke at - has a pillow case ministry and she donated 30 new cases - all hand sewn. I will be giving those to the girls tomorrow when I see them and I will post pictures with additional information.
Our flights were fine except for, what seemed to be, a lot of turbulence. At one point, the woman next to me lifted her hands and began praying aloud in her language. 😐 For a girl (that's me) who is recovering from an extreme fear of planes - that was interesting. It was an opportunity to rest in God's hands and be confident that He IS with me, even if that means the plane goes down. It will always be ok.
We also had 2 different delays. One in DC for a broken windshield defrost, and one in Brussels for ice on the wings. We remained on the plane for both. But in the end, we were only 1.5 hours late arriving at Entebbe. Recho and Andrew were there to greet us and to drive us to our Inn. I was in bed by 2 am and up at 9.
I got to see our friend Sue (from New York but lives here) this morning! I hope to spend more time with her this week.
Recho and Andrew will be here later this afternoon to visit and to work on our schedule for the week. The musts are: visit the girls, meet with the engineer to discuss the building plans, visit the the new land we purchased, and do paperwork at the bank.
This is actually a shorter trip because we will only be gone a total of 9 days and 4 of those days are travel days.
I realize that this is a long and boring post, but writing this is my way of sorting my thoughts and emotions and acts as my electronic journal.
Thank you to those of you who actually love me and care enough to read through my ramblings. I love you too!😚
You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your Word. ~ Psalm 119:114
Praying all things are possible through Him and this will be a protective trip. :)